Por admin May2,2024
Escuela Anne Sullivan Lomas Verdes

Building the path to knowledge is a journey of exploration is a journey, curiosity, and continuous learning, It begins with an inquisitive mindset, where questions are welcomed and curiosity is encouraged. Education, formal or informal, serves as the foundation, offering structured opportunities to acquire information and skills. 

Our teachers and collaborators read widely and critically as a crucial, providing access to the collective wisdom of humanity. Seeking diverse perspectives and questioning assumptions broaden the path. 

Ultimately our path to knowledge is a personal endeavor, uniquely shaped by individual interests and goals, for Anne Sullivan School it´s a lifelong commitment to enlightenment, constantly evolving as que gather insights, connect the dots and contribute to the collective reservoir of human understanding. 

There is no  “I” in TEAM 

The Phrase “There is no I in Team” is a common saying used to emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration. The idea behind this saying is that in a successful team, individuals should prioritize working together for a common goal rather than focusing solely on their individual interests or accomplishments. 

The letter “I” is often used to represent the idea of individualism or self-centeredness. It is a reminder that teamwork requires individuals to set aside their personal agendas, ego, or selfishness in order to achieve collective success. 

It encourages people to think about the group´s objective and how they can contribute to the team´s overall success rather than just pursuing their own goals. 

By admin

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